Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ladies Learn

So today is the official start day for March Madness...This is actually not a bad thing, see around this time most guys are glued to the t.v. with a beer n they hand. March Madness to them is Victoria Secrects fashion show to us (ONLY ONCE A YEAR)..So u can see the importance of the occasion... So instead of NAGGING n getting in ur feelings because ol' boy isn't paying u attention JOIN HIM. Im not actually sayin that u have to be right beside him watching. Watch it on ur own tv, so atleast when you 2 talk u will have something in common that you both like. How about you 2 make a bet out of it..u choose a team that u want to win and whoever looses (i dunno) be creative...Morethan likely ur gonna go for the opposite team (were so difficult) but w/ your lady friends bet against them (ur gonna choose ur man team) cuz deep down u want his team to win (jus cuz its his team) lol...Have fun with it...what's not to enjoy?!?! Ur watching men workout (oh how sexy)+ Ur man is happy (if they win) even if they don't U WON THE BET!!! It's a win-win situation. U GOTTA LUV IT

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

25 Random Things about MWAH

1. My mom conceived me at 12yrs old (what’a icebreaker) 2. I hate when a person touches me when they're laughing 3. My daughter is my inspiration for all things (good or bad) 4. I only eat the brown M&M's 5. Im very chill 6. I can paint with the best of’em 7. Being financially stable is my goal 8. I vowed to never put a tv in my bedroom 9. I put raisinets in my popcorn 10. I can quote almost every Kanye line 11. Believe it or not I can ball (tomboy in heels) 12. Im a grandma’s girl to the fullest 13. It takes a lot for me to be into a guy & when I’m n IM N 14. I would love to meet Kobe Bryant 15. If I tell u 2 b safe. It’s cuz I care about chu 16. I think all dudes are quite the same, so it ain’t the pencil it’s how u write ur name 17. My last name is Honesty (that’s like a real word) 18. I hear that i have commitment issues (I totally disagree) 19. Grown men with a lollipop in their mouth is ridiculous to me 20. Skinny jeans on dudes turn me off COMPLETELY 21. I lounge around in a big Tshirt 22. Im famous for telling a guy “I didn’t hear it ring” 23. Im very secretive when it comes to who im dating 24. It irks me when people remember my face from way back & act like they know me 25. My heart can’t possibly break it was never whole to start with ( super dramatic)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Don't Be B...B u

Im at work right and while taking one of my many breaks to the restroom mirror, I hear 2 females running they mouth about SOMETHING... I wasn't paying too much attention to the words until I heard.."B8tch she bet not make my SASHA FIERCE come out". It's so many things wrong with this picture.

*For u goin take someone else's alter ego.
*2. "MY" Sasha Fierce- as if u convinced urself that u created it.
*3 Last but not least..Look good if u goin use the word FIERCE (back to story)

When I turned around n saw who was talkin I said ugh "I wouldn't bag that" lls *serious face though*.She didn't even have a butt so that made it even worse. Ladies please factor in that Sasha Fierce isn't a fashion or something u can imitate. It's not the new "It" thing. Some think kirking off n being way 2 sassy is being Sasha Fierce NO ASS it's being a OBNOXIOUS B*TCH.I understand that Beyonce is a Diva..but she's a diva because she's herself.. So word to the wise BE THE FUCK U...

Jus 2 Cute!!!

Im noticing that so many guys are "gamers". This entire video game era is taking over households. So looking at this video MEN..would u like to come home n see ur girl in something sexy, with a controller in her hand playing Halo or Guitar Hero? Or would you tell her to put it down before she f8cks up something...N let me remind u she's extra serious about the game. This is her sh*t...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Well it's a known fact that most women IF NOT all goosip. Im pretty sure that everybody has moments or what not but this whole MALE GOSSIP is down right disgusting. One of the main reasons guys seemed so chill to be with is cuz they don't run they mouth. Not anymore though!! they are turning out to be striaght SKIRTS. I try my best to stay away from gossip. If i REALLY wanted to know (WHICH I DOUBT I WOULD) i'd jus go to the person. In the past couple of days, a few fags who i shall keep nameless have been mentioning my name when its not needed. *Check this out though* It's cuz of my MYSPACE n FACEBOOK page. Guess they seen the same dude on my friends list 1 or 2 many times. LLS.. ... FELLAS i cant stress how unattractive gossip is coming from your mouth.It gets u nowhere in my book.Don't tell me what another fuck face said cuz it jus makes u look like a true GUMP. Lets speak on T.O. getting traded or celeb girls youd like to smash or how u wip 7 n 1/2 out of 6... summthin. k?


She`s a black nail polish,betsey johnson charm bracelet wearing, C cup pusha,snickers eating, orgasm lipgloss tastin , big purses,long hair stuntin,deer park water drinkin, always texting, n Taylor’s mom ...hellz bellz type of chick ;)

N THAT's WHAT I LIVE 4......DIg M3 ?!?!

I want that old thang back... or maybe some new new

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Damn P!

Is this what happens to rappers after the lime light is gone.I have nothing positive to say about made me upset because im'a fan of Snickers lls (4 real though) n I usually like the commercials. NOT THIS TIME though...what was the point?!?!He looks stupid! BIG ASS P CHAIN n'a f*ckin Four Tops suit.

Keyser Soze

If u've neva seen this then I question ur existence. This has to be one of the greatest stories ever told. Favorite line "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist".

Friday, March 6, 2009


This is just RIDICULOUS!..It wasn't that serious, all he had to do was sit the fuck down. Im like really upset cuz she was jus doing her job. Now this jack ass has a record FOR LIFE, all because he didn't want to sit down... He's on the O.J. list a.k.a the IDIOT LIST.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This here speaks for itself... "Catch'em online n put his brans on his laptop" These dudes GO!

The Cinderella Story

I have so much I can say about this video but all n all I F*CKIN LUV IT!...From the chemistry to the "in love" flirting. At 3:18 the look n her eyes says so much n then when she start walking towards him..sets it off..Im speaking personally when I say "that's what a woman wants", she's so happy she can't do nothin but smile!!!Every woman wants the Cinderella ending.

This Hit Home

This is my favorite episode!!! It just hits so close to home...To be honest it's a tear jerker for me and at the same time I gain strength from it...Only D$ knows where im comin from.

Introduction & Ish

Hello new to this blog thing but I figured I'd give a swing at it. Im jus goin scratch the surface here a lil bit.Ummm...mostly everything that will be on here is something that affects me in some type of way. Kinda like given you glance into ME... I ji dig this whole thing cuz it's something I can look back at to see my state of mind n etc. SO ENJOY..n if not..Then SO B IT.